DSX Access Systems, Inc.
is one of the most respected names in the security industry because of its concentration on providing products and services that exemplify Quality, Reliability, and Integrity.

Hardware Products
Controllers and Communication DevicesDSX Intelligent Controllers are independent processing panels designed to be cost effective building blocks that allow expansion in a scalable manner. Each controller has a different combination of inputs, outputs and reader ports.
Each Controller operates as a fully intelligent and independent control panel that retains all data necessary for system operation in it’s own RAM.
DSX-1048 Intelligent Controller
Is an 8 door package using 4 – 1042 Intelligent Controllers in an 8 door enclosure and includes a 1040 PDP integrated power supply
DSX-1040PDP Power Distribution Panel
Features Battery Backup for Controllers, Optional Battery Backup for Locks, and Fire Override Input/Output Selectable for each Lock Output
DSX1042 Intelligent Controller
Has two independent reader ports, 8 inputs, 2 relay outputs, 2 open collector outputs, and 2 prewarn outputs
DSX-LAN Communications Module
Features Web Interface Admin and User Passwords, Complex Passwords, and is Powered by Controller or CDM, among others
Integrated Lockset
Highly adaptive to their environment and especially informative with the ability to report up to 14 states of its condition. Has six basic modes of operation
DSX-1035 Quadraplexor
Has Master to Slave Star Wiring, and powered by integral power supply or controller; all Inputs support two, three, and four state monitoring with five programmable circuit types
DSX-Dialup Modem
Is Protocol Independent, Powered by Controllers, has DB9 for connections to PC and Terminal Blocks for Controller Connections
DSX-1040NV Processor
A replacement processor with nonvolatile memory that provides a layer of resiliency
to any existing DSX system; can be installed on all DSX-1040 Series and all DSX-1022 Controllers
DSX-1043 Intelligent Output Controller
Is a controller with 16 Programmable Form C Relays, 4 Time/Day Schedules per Output, Flexible I/O Linking, and Elevator Control
DSX Enrollment Reader
USB-Connected, 125KHz or 13.5MHz Versions, Formatted for DSX, Inserts Card Number in Code field, Allows for quick and consistent entry of card numbers, LED flashes and beeps when card is read
DSX-FRB8 Fused Relay Board
Has 8 Relay Outputs Form C 12VDC, Powered from CDM, Has Open Collector Trigger, Individual Status LEDs, Fuse in-line with Relay Common, and Removable Terminal Blocks
DSX-MCI Master Comm Interface
This newly revised module provides the RS-232 Tx and Rx of the DB-25 connector also on a terminal block for ease of use.
DSX Web Cam
Features Still Image Capture from Streaming Video, USB 2.0 Connected / Powered, Full HD 1080P
Software Products
WinDSX is a powerful access control and system monitoring application that harnesses the power of the Windows 32 and 64 bit operating systems. WinDSX combines point monitoring and access control with Photo ID Badging, Time and Attendance, Alarm Graphics, DVR/NVR Integration, Elevator Control, Alarm Email/Text Message Notification, Threat Level Management, HazMat and Emergency Lockdown, and FIPS/TWIC card compatibility.
WinDSX can support your access control needs from a single PC or multi-user Local Area Network to an enterprise solution with SQL Server as the database engine. The system utilizes TCP/IP network communications to provide user interaction and real time monitoring to the workstation PC’s located anywhere on the LAN or WAN. Password protection allows for operator specific capabilities at each workstation.
DSX Access Control
DSX is a robust access control and system monitoring application that harnesses the power of the Windows™ desktop and server operating systems. DSX is scalable and able to grow with your needs. Systems can grow from a single PC to multiple PCs. DSX Mobile Command brings the program to the convenience of a Smart Phone.
WinDSX SQL Software Bullets
Features Real Time Event Processing, Real Time Alarm Monitoring, Alarm point status with live interactive icons for real time status and control, Lock and Output control, Live
interactive Icons for real time status and control, and Image Recall – Photo Identification.
DSX Mobile Command
DSX Mobile Command brings the power of the DSX Workstation program to the convenience of a Smart Phone. This Smart Phone application enhances the daily operation of the DSX System. The Mobile Command feature allows the activation of custom predefined commands, the locking\unlocking of doors, control of alarm points, and the monitoring of system events from a mobile but secure application. Apple™ and Android™ compatible.